He said let us reason together
Reason together with the divine creator
The unfaithfulness clear, the evil deeds sinking
like blood stained clothes
but He said let us reason together
your sins are like scarlet
the reddest of reds
a stain too difficult to remove
but He said let us reason together
your sin shall be white as snow
it shall become like wool
let your hearts be cleaned
oh how his people have strayed
oh how this continues today
Lord Jesus did no evil
He did good
He sought justice
He corrected oppression
He brought justice to the orphan
He pleaded the widow’s cause
Let us now have understanding
Let us now know our owner, master, creator
Let us now turn from our rebellion
He has a remnant
You will bring us to completion
I know this to be true
As you walked with Israel
You still make all things new